Table transposition

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Transposing the row and column in a table.


Input tab delimited text files with headers. If your data is not TAB delimited, you can use Excel to convert it.






A transposed table in xls format.

Example file(right click to download): example file


There is a table here. Rows represent samples and columns represent genes. The rows and columns will be transposed.


Table a:
geneID A_exp B_exp C_exp D_exp
Unigene01 16.4798 3.3122 5597 13.6144
Unigene02 44.5027 24.1932 16261 41.9245
Unigene03 86.9566 43.0663 25566 71.6863
Unigene04 3.3821 2.4806 1595 4.7139
geneID Unigene01 Unigene02 Unigene03 Unigene04
A_exp 16.4798 44.5027 86.9566 3.3821
B_exp 3.3122 24.1932 43.0663 2.4806
B_exp 5595 16261 25566 1595
D_exp 13.6144 41.9245 71.6863 4.7139