Senior Scatter Plot

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Demonstrate file data in a scatter plot with auxiliary lines and correlation coefficient.

Input a tab delimited text file. If your data is not TAB delimited, you can use Excel to convert it.

Here is an example:



①Title of scatter plot: Define the title of the scatter plot.

②Column for x-axis/ y-axis variables: You can choose which column for x-axis/ y-axis, and self-define the title of x-axis/ y-axis.

③Data pre-processing: There are three ways to pre-process data: log2 transformed, log10 transformed, none.

④Color of points: Define the color of points in the scatter plot.

⑤Headers: Headers are optional. We recommend a file with headers. The parameters below are optional:

⑥Range the x-axis/ y-axis: Input the minimum value and maximum value of x-axis/ y-axis.

⑦Correlation coefficient: There are three types of correlation coefficient:
Pearson correlation coefficient: For linear correlation of two variables.
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient: For rank correlation of two variables.
Kendall rank correlation coefficient: For ordinal association between two variables.

⑧Axis: You can choose display or not to display the x-axis and y-axis.

⑨Auxiliary lines: There are three types of auxiliary lines

a.Input y-intercept for an auxiliary line parallel to the x-axis. For example, input “2”, then an auxiliary line of y=2 will be drawn.

b.Input x-intercept for an auxiliary line parallel to the y-axis. For example, input “2”, then an auxiliary line of x=2 will be drawn.

c.Input y-intercept and slope. For example, input “1,2”, then an auxiliary line of y=2x+1 will be drawn.

A scatter plot in PDF format and PNG format.

Example: Senior scatterplot source files
Output:Senior scatterplot