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how to use roc-soft?

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are useful tools to evaluate classifiers in biomedical and bioinformatics applications. It provides a consistent and user-friendly set of functions building and plotting a ROC curve, several methods smoothing the curve, computing the full or partial AUC over any range of specificity or sensitivity, as well as computing and visualizing various CIs.

Input tab delimited text files with headers. If your data is not TAB delimited, you can use Excel to convert it.

Here is an example:



①smooth line:the defalut is no,which is not smooth,you can choose yes to generate smmoth line

②the defalut is no,which is not smooth,you can choose yes to generate smmoth line:choose area color,you can click the color-picker to choose color you want

A ROC curves in PNG and PDF format.

Input: Example

Mapping parameters 生物云平台

Output:Sepal.Length.roc.png 和 all.roc.png
生物云平台 生物云平台