Line chart

Select a file Example
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Demonstrate file data in a line chart.

Input a tab delimited text file with headers. In the line chart, x-axis presents the first column in the input table and y-axis presents the rest columns. The number of lines depends on the numbers of y-columns. One example of the input data is shown below

x	y1	y2	y3
1	7.0	-0.2	-0.9
2	6.9	0.8	0.6
3	9.5	5.7	3.5
4	14.5	11.3	8.4
5	18.2	17.0	13.5
6	21.5	22.0	17.0
7	25.2	24.8	18.6
8	26.5	24.1	17.9
9	23.3	20.1	14.3
10	18.3	14.1	9.0
11	13.9	8.6	3.9
12	9.6	2.5	1.0


① Chart title: define chart title

② X-axis label: define horizontal axis title

③ Y-axis label: define vertical axis title

④ Color: define color of each line (number of colors should be the same as number of lines and each color should be separated by a comma ”,”)

⑤ Dot size: define dot and line size


A line chart in PNG,JPEG,PDF,SVG format.

Example: The line chart source files
